A place full of colors, scents and endless beauty. Garden blooming in every season.
Visit our herb and rose garden in the manor area. A walk through the beautiful flowerbeds of carefully selected flowers and herbs will take you to the Tuscan countryside. Each season will surprise you with new blooms.
The plants listed below are grouped in terms of aesthetic and flowering time important for visitors.
The list is given priority to plants that are magnificent, beautiful and at the same time interesting for visitors and in many cases bloom in large numbers.
Castle park is also full of unique shrubs and trees that are worth admiring and are constantly visible. Many trees are associated with family events and birthdays or they preserve the memory of the wedding.
The owners of the Château love beautiful and unique plants, so visitors who feel the same way will have an extraordinary experience of walking in our garden.

- Crocus
- Muscari Neglectum
- Hyacinthus
- Galanthus
- Viola x Wittrockiana
- Corylus Avellana
- Narcissus
- Tulipa
- Hyacinthus
- Paeonia Officinalis
- Prunus Seeulata „ Kansan”
- Vinca minor
- Allium Ursinum
- Bergenia Crassifolia
- Spírea
- Prunus Armeniaca
- Amelanchier
- Rosa
- Aresulus Hippocastanum
- Aresculus Carnea Briotti
- Siringa Vulgaris
- Fragaria
- Prunus Persica
- Prunus Persica Nectarine
- Malus Domestica
- Pyrus
- Prunus Domestica
- Achillea
- Iris hollandica
- Phacaelia Tanacetifolia
- Dianthus Caryophyllus
- Heuchera
- Potenthilla
- Prunus Laurocerasus
- Rubina Psendoacacia
- Juglans Regia
- Rosa
- Lavandula Augustifola
- Hydrangea Arborecens
- Hidrangea Seemannii
- Campsis Radikans
- Asiatic Hybrid
- Hibiscus
- Dianthus Caryophyllus
- Hosta
- Catalpa Bignoniodes
- Ocimum basalicum
- Nymphaeales
- Canna Indica
- Potenthilla
- Rosa
- Lavandula Augustifola
- Fragaria
- Aresulus Hippocastanum
- Aresulus Hippocastanum
- Siringa Vulgaris
- Echinacea
- Allium Hollandicum
- Catalpa Bignoniodes
- Rubina Psendoacacia
- Asiatic Hybrid
- Hibiscus
- Potenthilla
- Rosa
- Lavandula Augustifola
- Hydrangea Arborecens
- Hidrangea Seemannii
- Campsis Radikans
- Canna Indica
- Hibiscus
- Caryopteris Incana
- Potenthilla
- Echinacea
- Rosa
- Lavandula Augustifola
- Hydrangea Arborecens
- Hidrangea Seemannii
- Campsis Radikans
- Canna Indica
- Hibiscus
- Caryopteris Incana
- Echinacea
- Rosa
- Hydrangea Arborecens
- Hidrangea Seemannii
- Canna Indica
- Hibiscus
- Caryopteris Incana
- Potenthilla
- Rosa
Rose breeding began centuries ago and continues to this day. Rose breeders have created and continue to create innumerable varieties around the world.
Most roses in the castle park have been planted here for almost twenty years.
The flowering of roses in our park begins in mid-May and continues almost continuously until the onset of late autumn frosts.
In the flowerbeds you can admire the beautiful flowers of 37 different varieties of roses. The main flowering period is June to July. During this period, roses are fully covered with flowers.

- „William Shakespeare”
- „ Golden Celebration”
- „ The Squire”
- „ Yellow Button”
- „ Constance Spry”
- „ Heritage”
- „ Pretty Jessica”
- „ Othello”
- „ Leander”
- „ English Garden”
- „ Sumer Song”
- „ Queen of Sweden”
- „ Desdemona”
- „ Great Maiden’s Blush”
- „ Zsuzsanna”
- „ Kimono”
- „ Katrin”
- „ Golden Wedding”
- „ Diamond”
- „ Iris Honey”
- „ National Trust”
- „ Réka”
- „ Golden Shovers”
- „ Paulmann”
- „ Bianka”
- „ Doris”
- „ Turne”
- „ Red Magic”
- „ Derby”
- „ Kerio”
- „ Tom – Tom”
- „ Duble Perfume”
- „ Herry Wheatcroft”
- „ Albertine”
- „ Snow White”
- „ Ida Klemm”
- „ Schwanensee